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Mera Swaasth Mission India

As much as the Govt of the day may try to enhance their efforts, make new policies or programs they are be unable to provide Universal Health Coverage to most of the population.

It is strongly felt that in order to do so the large workforce and infrastructure of the stand-alone clinics in the private sector of primary care physicians will need to be integrated into the National mainstream.

The recent success in polio eradication is an example; it was only after new centers for vaccine administration were opened in private clinics that the Govt was able to cover the entire population.

This workforce can act as the ‘last mile governance and implementation tool’ for augmenting the Govt drive for achieving the UHC for all. Wellness Health & You has launched the MERA SWAASTH MISSION to address this issue.

MSM proposes to undertake steps to facilitate the updating services of the private sector primary care physicians and then integrating them into the National mainstream whilst working with the stakeholders of the primary care services which include the primary care physicians, the service seekers and the Govt agencies.


To make the primary care services provided by the stand alone clinics in the private sector updated, accessible, affordable, age-friendly and integrate this sector in the National mainstream to augment the National effort to provide UHC to the citizens of the country.


  • To develop a network of highly motivated primary care physicians in the private sector( Mera Swaasth Physicians Network)
  • Create an enabling environment allowing these physicians to deliver evidence based comprehensive primary health care services that are responsive to the needs of people(Mera Swaasth Clinics)
  • Engage with people empower them to take responsibility of their health by optimally utilizing the services of these physicians.(Mera Swaasth Mera Haath Campaign)
  • Create a workforce of health workers capable of supporting the physicians network and also work directly in the community for promotion of self-care amongst them (Mera Swaasth Ka Saathi)
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